Selasa, 13 September 2011

PENGALAMAN Gw PAS OSPEK (bukan Kontoversi)

Postingan ini gw tulis pas pagi hari tadi  gw terbangun kemudian ngecek akun fb gw. Di sana gw baca status seorang teman tentang ospek dan berbagai komen teman-teman lainnya. Karna gw liat usia tuh status da lama (4 hari yg lalu dibuat), gw merasa basi kalo nambahin komen d sana. Jadilah gw bikin tulisan ini. Sebenarnya postingan ini jadi semacam pengganti komen gw d status tu orang. Hahahahaha....
            Kelanjutan dalam tulisan ini hanyalah cerita biasa yang muncul dari kisi-kisi ingatan masa lalu gw yg masih tersisa. Biasa karena tema semacam ini telah banyak ditulis oleh orang lain, menjadi jejak sisa2 ingatan karna cerita ini da terjadi cukup lama (3 tahun lalu). Ya, jadi seingatnya aja ditulis! Hahahahaha...., namun d sini gw cuman mw mengutarain dari sudut pandang gw berdasarkan pengalaman nyata yang gw alamin. Pasti lo juga punya cerita sendiri tentang ospek, baik itu cerita manis maupun cerita pahit.
Cerita gw selengkapnya:
            Dimulai dengan istilah, ospek di ‘tempat gw’ (nama disamarkan) namanya bukan ospek, tapi dinamika (sama aja sih). Tapi yang bikin beda, yaitu gw merasa ospek jenis itu sangat terstruktur (formal) dan seperti da ada blue print-nya, sampe2 gak banyak yang berubah selama tahun-tahun berikutnya. Hahahaha...
            Di ospek jenis ini (dinamika), gak ada yang namanya kontak fisik maupun tekanan psikologis. Sebagai orang yang diospek, dapat dikatakan gw gak ada ngerasain ataupun menyimpan pengalaman pahit dari ospek tu. Pengalaman manis, juga gak ada. Hahahahaha...,
            Trus?????? Jujur, perasaan gw tu kasihannya k otak yang harus berpikir keras. Ospek d t4 kami tu nguras pikiran, banyak tugas rumahnya, sampe-sampe selama seminggu ospek tu, gw cuman tidur 18 jam, jadi sehariny hanya 3 jam waktu tidur. Pada awal aja (Pra-ospek) disuruh ngegambar peta kampus & lingkungannya beserta kelengkapan lainnya. Trus ngebuat jurnal wawancara interaksi sosial ama lingkungan t4 kosan dan persiapan identifikasi mahasiswa (atribut lainnya). Gak ada sih yang macam2 dari hal-hal itu. Malahan semuanya terkesan sangat formal, seragam dan atributnya mirip ama yang digunain menteri & presiden saat foto kabinet. Bayangin aja, masuk area ospek aja ada aturannya, pertama cek kelengkapan dan kerapihan, ngutarain password, pemberian tanda masuk, dan dilakukan penilaian (baru datang aja da dinilai).
Ospek intinya kemudian diisi dengan pembukaan, pengenalan pejabat kampus, pembacaan aturan dan sanksi, mendengarkan seminar-seminar, pengenalan elemen kampus, pengembangan dan games kekompakan, pengisian jurnal harian kegiatan, pembuatan tugas esai harian (3 tema/hari-bilinggual), pembinaan mental dan rohani, training motivation, materi perencanaan keuangan dan masa depan, senam, kegiatan pengenalan dengan alumni yang telah jadi pejabat dan penjelasan atas kiprahnya di dunia nyata/kerja (mengembangkan kecintaan pada almamater), kegiatan pengembangan seni dan kreatifitas, orasi, bakti sosial, ngebersihin kampus dan sekitar kampus, diskusi kelompok dan pengenalan antar anggota, penjelajahan gedung-gedung yang ada dan penjelasan fungsinya masing-masing, pemberian tips2 dalam perkuliahan (informal), pemberitahuan teknik2/modus2 pendekatan/lobbying (informal), pemberitahuan isu2 yg marak/mitos2 (informal), pengarahan pada pusat informasi kemahasiswaan (backing aspirasi), dll. Dari semua kegiatan tu, yang paling gw suka adalah saat pengenalan elemen kampus, serasa ngikutin karnaval, karena variasi penampilan menarik dari elemen-elemen kampus yang ada.
Hal beda lainnya adalah terkait pengorganisasiannya yang terbagi atas bidang2 yang punya fungsi masing2 yang cukup jelas. Ya, bisa dikatakan event organizer juga lewat dah!hahhahaa...
Salah satu fungsi yang masi gw ingat, kalo gak salah ada fungsi evaluasi dan penilaian. Jadi, mereka ini (para evaluator), benar-benar memberi nilai (0 s.d. 100) atas partisipasi masing2 mahasiswa dalam setiap jenis kegiatan dinamika. Nilai2 itu kemudian diakumulasi trus dirumuskan dalam formulasi yang menghasilkan selembar sertifikat dinamika yang mencantumkan indeks prestasi (IP dinamika).
            Jadi, menurut gw, jenis ospek yang gw alamin cukup mewakili makna sesungguhnya dari orientasi/ pengenalan bagi mahasiswa baru.
            Cukup bersyukur juga, gw gak ngalamin jenis ospek yang umumnya dianggap sebagai ajang tuk kesenangan para senior dan penderitaan bagi junior.
            Hahahahahahahah..... ^_^

Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

Alat yang Praktis dan Sederhana ala’Temanku Simon

          Cerita ini terjadi sekitar bulan Juni tahun 2006 di Tapanuli, sebuah dataran tinggi perbukitan yang sejuk. Suhu rata-rata daerah ini sekitar 18oC dikarenakan ketinggian daratannya yang berada 900m di atas permukaan laut. Saat itu, aku dan teman-teman remaja sekampungku yang lain sangat antusias menyaksikan setiap pertandingan sepak bola antar negara-negara di dunia. Ya, saat itu adalah masa demam bola karena musim piala dunia (PD) yang diselenggarakan di Jerman dapat disaksikan melalui tampilan layar TV. Salah seorang  temanku yang bernama Simon Samosir adalah bola mania sejati (ya, paling tidak itu kata teman-teman yang lain J), sebab ia sampai hapal nama-nama setiap pemain sepakbola plus sejarah, skill, dan kelemahan bermain mereka.

Kalo menurutku, ia cocok jadi analis atau komentator bola. Hehe...
Pernah suatu kali ia menantangku untuk taruhan negara jagoan mana yang akan menang di suatu pertandingan. Dan nyatanya analisis dia terbukti, kemenangan berpihak pada negara pilihannya, ya, meskipun aku sudah diberi poin 2 gol. Hahahaha...,

Tapi, yang membuatku kagum padanya bukan hal itu, melainkan peristiwa sebelum laga pertama pertandingan piala dunia digelar. 

Begini kronologisnya:
Seperti diketahui sebelumnya, kondisi topologis dan geografis kampung kami berada jauh dari kota Medan (sekitar 6 jam perjalanan), tentulah sinyal relay TV tidak sampai ke tempat kami. Sebagai alternatif untuk menjangkau sinyal TV, penduduk daerah kami biasanya memasang receiver dengan tambahan parabola (alat rangkaian kawat berbentuk parabola berdiameter 2meter) yang biasanya di tempatkan di atap rumah untuk menjamin kualitas dan kejernihan sinyal. Alat tersebut biasanya dapat menguatkan sinyal relay yang lemah atau mengambil jaringan melalui satelit komunikasi. Rumah Simon adalah salah satu yang dilengkapi alat tersebut. 

Dengan alasan mahalnya iuran hak siar piala dunia, biasanya event tersebut tidak ditampilkan (disensor) oleh jaringan TV swasta nasional terkecuali dengan memasang receiver khusus dengan merek tertentu (yang telah beli hak siar). Pada saat itu, Simon merasa terpukul mengetahui keadaan tersebut. Dia mengajakku untuk mencari “jalan keluar” agar dapat menonton PD. Memang ada beberapa cara untuk dapat tetap menyaksikan tayangan itu, salah satunya dengan menggeser parabola dengan arah tertentu agar mendapat frekuensi jaringan TV luar negeri (mis: star sport, TV Francis-Le Monde Asia, CCTV 2), namun cara tersebut tidak praktis bila dilakukan secara manual sebab harus naik-turun atap guna mengaturnya. Sebenarnya dapat dilakukan secara mekanis dengan memanfaatkan rotor(penggerak otomatis) atau dengan menambah LNB (pengumpul sinyal berdasarkan arah) parabola menjadi 4 buah. Cara- cara itu terbilang cukup mahal, paling tidak seharga 50% receiver khusus.

Setelah lama berpikir dan berpikir, kemudian muncul ide di benak Simon, dia mengambil beberapa gulungan kawat, kemudian mengukur jarak vertikal antara keempat sisi tegak lurus parabola, memotong kawat sesuai ukuran yang sesuai, mengikatkan ujung kawat pada setiap sisi luar parabola lalu memasukkannya melalui lubang kecil pipa paralon sebagai titik temu kawat-kawat. Selanjutnya dia membuat lubang kecil di atap dan memasukkan pipa paralon itu melaluinya. Masing- masing tali kawat itu diperpanjang hingga masuk ke dalam ruangan dan diikatkan pada tiang-tiang kayu rumahnya.
Ya, benar saja, dengan kawat-kawat itu, dia dapat menggerakkan parabola secara mekanis sesuai arah yang tepat guna mendapat frekuensi sinyal TV yang menayangkan siaran pertandingan piala dunia. 

Sejak saat itu, saya dan teman-teman remaja yang lain meniru cara Simon dengan alat praktis dan sederhana tersebut. Berita itu tersebar pada penduduk yang lain dan semakin banyak yang menggunakannya hingga sekarang. J
Nama: Suhermanto Simanjuntak/3T Akuntansi

Minggu, 17 April 2011


Have you ever been thinking about future or what will happen to your life for five or ten years from now? Some people will certain their hope of become success, have a good position on their peak career or earn enough money to spend. But as simple as I though, other people have no idea, concern to uncertain/ unpredictable future. For this last response, should we pardon our dream and not to choose the best path on our life? This phenomenon face me to consider that when you choose the right way, it would leads your dream comes true. Trust me, if you don’t know what you want or what will happen to you 10 years from now, then you are letting other people take charge of your life. Planning is one of the options to choose. For myself, I have decided to take my fate as an auditor. It is fait if it would be an independent internal or external auditor. As you know, since I was a child, I used to play with my finger to count what was my own or other. That would be great when, there is missing thing to found trough mathematical correction. That such is a practice for professional auditor to find fraud and decided the assertion of the management.
Moreover, audit provides many economic benefits to society, for the faith of independent auditor at work, makes this profession appreciated by the people. Besides, this professions challenge me to work, even though sometimes a lot of enemies on the field. For me, nothing to worry about it, I excited with glorify. Reason for choosing auditing is that I do not know any other business area that would suit me in term of job satisfaction. Therefore audit institution such as government internal auditor (BPKP, IRJEN, BAWASDA), external professional independent auditor (BPK), on tax audit as fiscal officer, or corruptions distinguish commission (KPK), they all could receive me.
With my accounting background it is even possible to me become professional certified public accountant (CPA) in CPA firm.
Furthermore, it is a long journey to get a job there. Now, I will explain year-to year strategy plan for 10 year from now. I used 10 years because I think that 2 years from now, there is a liability for each fresh graduate in my state governmental college, to be government officer, lock on your opportunity to continue and reach your bachelor’s degree.
Year one: Complete my diploma’s degree, I am completing my last 12 credit (last semester) at State Accounting College (STAN). I will be receiving my diploma in accountancy, with a minor in state/ governmental accounting. With acquisition of language skills, knowledge of foreign or domestic trade, tax law, auditing and accounting standards, all of which are necessary to effectively “go work” even “go global”. Superficial knowledge only leads to failure.
For me, STAN diploma is a significant component to improve my competency to work in business or in government financial unit.
I foresee my own career moving in the direction of governmental finance ministry for the next 2 years. Get some experience on audit unit like BPKP then, will support my next plan. I would be considers recognized on my institution with my “fire spirit’ at work. Trying be positive towards other, creative, enthusiastic, and faith. That would be a great chance to gain more college.
Year four: to be realistic, this is best of me for this time got my bachelor’s degrees by attend two years study in state university. It is not an easy process, a lot of consideration may be on the way, lots of unexpected things can happen and lots of sacrifices may be needed.
My family will make a protest on my decision because no more financial support left. But all of, I will trying to explain why I am suitable to pass it and hope it will be a good start of the next planning process.
Year six: As young professionals, I want to become CPAs on my career working for CPA firm. First of all, CPA tests that regulated by state law trough the licensing departments of state. There are some requirements for retaining a license to practice after the designation has been initially achieved.
The requirements I must fulfill, are:
1. Educational Requirements,
2. Uniform CPA Examination Requirement,
3. Experience Requirement in CPAs firm, at least three years experience.
After become CPAs, I will leave the firm to work in industry, government or education.
Year nine: After long life experience and collect widespread connection with people in business, as independent auditors, I will realize my dream to form CPA firm “SUHERMANTO & PARTNER, CPAs”. In this field of work, I will earn more money by make an opinion trough management’s financial statement. I will enjoy that job by understanding the client’s business and industry and knowledge about the company’s operations that are essential for doing an adequate audit.
At the end, last of the ten-year plans, I will evaluate whether it is possible to me to established financial corporation. Next after all, I need new plan for that expanded ambitions.
If all my ten -years plan does not to be achieved, I will keep working on my job as governmental official in ministry of finance of republic of Indonesia. I hope to form proprietorship business in farmland or poultry field conducted by my wife.
Keep praying dream comes true.



A. Background
Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia, is a large city inhabited by many residents. Population density is not mached by an adequate area, including also unbalance the needs of the road. There are an estimated 10 million people in the daytime and 9 million inhabitants in the evening. They are road users, including the additional workers from the suburbs. This has caused transport problems that led to the emergence of traffic jams.

According to the website Wikipedia:
Traffic congestion is a condition on the road networks that occurs as use increase, and is characterized by slower speeds, longer trip times, and increaseed vehicular queueing. The most common example is the physical use of roads by vehicles. When traffic demand is great enough that the interaction between vehicles slows the speed of the traffic stream, congestion is incurred. As demand approaches the capacity of the road (or of the intersections along the road), extreme traffic congestion sets in. When vehicles are fully stopped for periods of time, this is colloquially known as a traffic jam.

Congestion is a situation or circumtance in delays or even interruption of traffic caused by the large number of vehicles exceeds the capacity of the road.
The local government of Jakarta has been providing access to roadways and highways that serve the city, but the difference in the growth of total number of road cars with extremely lame (5-10% to 4-5%).

According to the data from the Department of Transportation Establishments, listed 46 areas with 100 points prone to traffic jams in Jakarta intersection. Definiton of cartilage loss is not stable flow, low speed and long lines. In addition to residents of Jakarta. Traffic jams are also exacerbated by commuters from surrounding cities such as Jakarta, Tangerang, Bogor, Depok and Bekasi who work in Jakarta. For the city, congestion can be seen in Sudirman St., Rasuna Said St., Thamrin St., Gatot Subroto St., and especially during the hours the office to go home.
As the anticipation, the local government provides PPD bus to serve the mobility residents in Jakarta, some of them are: the school bus and trans-Jakarta. There are also city buses run by private parties, such as Mayasari Bhakti, Kopaja, Ferris, and Metro Mini. These buses serve the routes that connect the terminals in the city, among others Pulogadung, Kampung Rambutan, Blok M, Kalideres, Grogol, Tanjung Priok, Lebak Bulus, and Kampung Melayu.
To serve the mobilization of the population between the environment, there is public transportation like the microbus and KWK, with routes from the neighborhood terminal to terminal. For short distance transportation, there are also motorcycles, bajaj, and bemo. Unlike other areas in Jakarta are using motorcycles, in the area of Tanjung Priok and Jakarta Kota, motorcycle taxi riders using bike Ontel. Transport rickshaws are still found in many areas such as the outskirts of Jakarta in Bekasi, Tangerang, and Depok.

Congestion problem generally has a cause and effect that can be described in more detail into some of the principal inter-related.
1. Causes Traffic Congestion
Many things that cause traffic congestion in Jakarta, some of them are:
a) Public transport services is low, a quality vehicle that is safe and comfortable is low, the less quantity of the bus, the driver and conductor of service that are not friendly, the schedule is not on time, and parking arbitrarily.
Generally, compared to mass transit, passenger transport vehicle capacity far fewer, and there is no fixed schedule and route. Management of public transport are usually implemented based on the payroll deposit system so that the driver is less thought about the service. The increasing numbers of transport that are not feasible on the road is caused by simply providing transport route permits without an evaluation of management and systems that will run.
All of the things above increase the tendency of people to use private cars and motorcycles as a means of vehicles daily activities. So the number of vehicles exceeds the capacity of existing roads, and aggravate the congestion problem.

b) The community gives poor assessment of public transport and do not feel proud to use public transport. So they prefer to use private vehicles.

c) Many small traders who peddle wares on the streets and sidewalks will narrow roads. Road construction itself is not much developed. An increasing number of small retailers is the impact of society flows from rural to urban areas, there are still many who looked forward to achieving success in the capital.
d) People are become selfish road users and try to precede the other vehicles disorderly. This often results an accidents. Pedestrians often cross the road disorderly and improper. People lack the awareness of road traffic.

e) There is lack of control on granting of business licenses, so that people can open a business place anywhere and anytime. Supervision of the business license is also not effective and become “the land”of bribery and extortion by unscrupulous officials.

f) Traffic Light Control System that is not effective, generally red light longer than green light. The red light can burn 100 to 120 seconds while the green light only 10 to 20 seconds, so that only a few vehicles that can pass. This can cause a very long queue of vehicles. There are so many intersections that have no traffic light settings. This has led to traffic chaos and increase the emotion of each road users.

g) Lack of road signs and road markings, so that people tend to park his vehicle in a place that is not supposed to. The existence of the places, which functions initially as a public road, used by certain groups as illegal parking, paid illegally. This can close the flow path with the narrowness of the road that can be passed. Inconvenience felt by other road users.

h) The supporting infrastructure such as roads that are not complete, absence of good irrigation canal, causing damage to roads and flooding and stagnant water. The road will be difficult to pass and this will slow the flow of traffic.

i) Low awareness of traffic is caused by public ignorance of traffic rules that exist. To get a driver's license, the public generally must have graduated from the selection carried by traffic police department. There are taught traffic rules, if then permits given away by not following the actual mechanism, road users certainly will not have good traffic awareness. Usually the users will underestimate and do not care about the rules.

j) Construction of highways, flyovers, roads and excavation projects in some places traveled, causing disruption of the rate of other vehicles passing nearby. Number of large vehicles transporting materials, building materials and heavy equipment, or just turn things around, making other vehicles have to wait too long and causing long queues. The cause of this unusual traffic jams usually can be avoided with good planning of road construction.

2. Due to Traffic Congestion
Traffic congestion resulting in losses in various fields for all parties.
According to a survey conducted annually by the State Ministry of Development Planning, losses in the energy sector reached Rp 7 trillion. According to an university’s research, based on 2005 data, losses in the energy sector reached Rp 5.57 trillion, and in the health sector reached Rp 1.7 trillion.
The following are the losses that will occur in the presence of traffic congestion: (the assumptions that there can vary, depending on the needs of day-to-day)

a) Losses in the Energy Field
Energy loss is referred to here is the loss of wasteful use of fuel oil and losses on the cost of fuel subsidies borne by the state. Vehicles that stuck in traffic jams will use fuel consumption greater than if the vehicle continues to run. This will increase the ratio of fuel use. For example, 1L of fuel could be used to cover a distance of 15 km in a state run, then in 1L occlusion can only travel 10 Km. The difference that has resulted in waste, and increase fuel consumption. Value issued by the government for the subsidized fuel is also wasted.

b) Losses in the Field of Economics
In general, people are traveling out of the house with a vehicle for various activities, including producing goods, selling goods, deliver the goods or buy goods. With the congestion, the activities that generate the money will be delayed and even canceled. People's income will be reduced with no smooth flow of goods distribution. Communities will find it hard to meet their needs. Prices of goods will rise with the increasing cost of distribution of goods. Other economic loss is damage that will occur in a very long queue of vehicles on the road, which will increase the cost of vehicle maintenance.

c) Losses in the Health Sector
Traffic jams lead to many air pollutants that are harmful to health. Also psychologically, the riders will easily get angry, complain, quick offense and selfish. It shows the problem of mild depression. This adds to the cost of growing out to maintain and treat health problems that arise.

d) Losses in the Field of Politics
With increasing severity of congestion that occurs will burden the state budget which also reduces the budget for the welfare of the community. Communities may lose confidence in the government. Leaders who are unable to resolve this matter will be sued by the community and most likely will not be elected at the next election.

e) Productivity Loss of Community
Will a decline in community activities, which then weakens the competitiveness of human resources quality. People will think postpone everything and does not appreciate the time. Congestion experienced in traveling is something physically exhausting and mind, leading to reduced power of concentration. If stuck in traffic, they will tend to entertain themselves by listening to the music or using them with redundant telecommunications device.

f) Loss Time
When stuck in traffic, travel time will increase. If we assume that travel time that we use to reach the destination place only need 15 minutes, with the jam, it would take 30 minutes or more. If we counting our day working along the week or mounth, this is a valuable time. The time should be use to do other activity that increase our productivity. Alternatively, society may be use that time gathering with family or friends too. Difference of time that happens would be wasted in vain and that planned goals can be delayed or canceled.

C. Efforts to Overcome Congestion Problem
Today, congestion is no longer the only local government affairs, but also has become a central government affairs. Handling involves cross-ministry and the governor who must coordinate with each other.
As a form of involvement of the central government, Vice President Boediono already issued instructions in the form of 17 steps in addressing traffic congestion in Jakarta which is predicted to occur in 2012. He has also been appointed Chairman of the Presidential Working Unit of Supervision and Control as coordinator and regulatory for implementation of 17 step.

The 17 steps are:
1) Adopt Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) system.
2) Line busway remains must be sterilized, especially in the four lines that were previously sterilized by the administrator.
3) Reviewing the administration and enforcement policies related to parking firm, primarily for the vehicles that parking on the shoulder of the road close to the busway lane.
4) Improve road facilities, the government of Jakarta has implemented multiyears development contract for the road.
5) The busway will be added again and the two lines will start operating this year and next year will add two more lines.
6) Having serious discussions with related parties about the availability and stability of fuel prices

7) The government requested administrative restructuring in the use of a small bus transportation which is inefficient.
8) Optimizing the use of trains in Jakarta by build the railroad, improve service, and improve the railway for the solid lane line.
9) Police got the assignment to curb illegal transport to reduce pressure at the points where they waited for passengers.
10) Accelerating the development of Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) which has begun construction this year to track Lebak Bulus-Hotel Indonesia.
11) Establishment of transport authorities in Jakarta.
12) To support the transportation authority, integrated transport master plan will be revised .
13) Speed the railway project double-double track, especially in the direction of Cikarang.
14) Accelerating the circumference of the Railway projects that will be integrated with mass transit system in Jakarta.
15) Add six additional toll motorway flyover.
16) For the medium to long term central government will develop policies to limit the use of
motor vehicles.
17) To support the use of trains, the land for park and ride (parking area near the railway station) near the railway station will be prepared so that land could increase the number of rail users.
(Source: Tempo Interactive, Jakarta)
The local government of DKI Jakarta alone, the transportation department said it would run establishments three strategies to cope with traffic congestion, some of them are:
First, the Pull strategy, namely strategy to attract people to get out from the use of personal vehicles. The local government plans to improve and enhance public transportation service, so people willing to switch from private cars to public transport use. Therefore, public transport will be made convenient and timely for those willing to switch.

Second, the Push Strategy, which initiated the people to come out of the use of personal vehicles. Local governments will implement restrictions on the use of private vehicles with the implementation of ERP systems and 3 in 1.It will then run the ERP application to support the 3 in 1 who had already been there.
Third, increase the road space, for large users capacity need more road capacity. This is done by straightening the side of the street traders who forbidden and widen or add a new road. In addition, the government plans to improve public transport non busway management, adopting a revenue driver Transjakarta system based on salary, not a deposit. This will improve the public transport service.

D. Conclusion
Congestion is a problem commonly faced by large cities. Indeed, traffic congestion is unavoidable, but instead can not be minimized.
There are many causes of traffic congestion, not only because the ratio of road infrastructure development with the added vehicle that is not balanced. Unconsciousness and indiscipline of road users and motorists in road traffic may also lead to traffic congestion problems that occur.
The chaotic traffic caused huge losses for all parties. This loss can be viewed in social, economic, health, and political.
Each party has thought of every way and work hard to overcome the problem of traffic congestion. Special local government in particular the Government's capital Jakarta is already working on ways to solve congestion problems that occur.
As a first step, has implemented policies such as promoting school schedules, build public transportation facilities such as the busway. And further policy plan that will be executed form of transfer of motorcycles to a special track, advance the schedule for work of local government employees, and the rapid development of the underground railroad. And again, has been attempted illegal parking enforcement and control for the rider.

Sabtu, 09 April 2011


Pernah di suatu ketika seorang pengajar memberikan sebuah motivasi kepada anak didiknya, katanya "Pikiran mampu mewujudkan segala ketidakmungkinan menjadi mungkin."
Hal itu membuat kebanyakan peserta bertanya-tanya " Bagaimana bisa???".
Secara sontak, sang pengajar mengatakan "Bisa saja!"
"Mari kita buktikan." katanya lagi.
"Pertama-tama matikan semua pendingin udara (AC) yang ada diruangan ini." Selang beberapa saat kemudian, temperatur di dalam ruangan meningkat dan suasana menjadi gerah. Sebagian besar anak didik tersebut terlihat mengucurkan keringat sebesar biji jagung dari dahi mereka. Salah seorang peserta didik berteriak "Pak, pikiran saya tidak jalan di udara sepanas ini! Bukankah kepekaan indra pengelihatan kita akan menurun di kondisi seperti ini???"
Pengajar tersebut lantas membalas
"Nah, sekarang coba kalian pejamkan mata kalian lalu kepalkan kedua tangan kalian.
Dengan mata terpejam, coba bayangkan di malam hari Anda berada di tepi pantai yang berangin kencang dan hujan badai menghampiri kalian. Di saat itu tiba-tiba hujan es sebesar batu kecil turun menerpa tubuh kalian. Situasi bertambah dingin sehingga kalian menjadi basah, kalian akan menggigil, dan tiba-tiba tangan kalian menjadi kaku akibat temperatur yang rendah!

Nah, sekarang buka mata kalian. Bagaimana sekarang???merasa dingin???Selanjutnya buka kepalan tangan kalian secara perlahan-lahan. Terlihat tangan kalian basah, kan??? Apakah kalian merasa suhu tubuh kalian menurun saat berimajinasi tadi??? Nah, itu tandanya kalian sudah dapat mengalahkan hawa panas di ruangan ini dengan berpikir dan memberi sugesti dingin pada tubuh kalian."
Dari kisah tersebut, ternyata kitalah yang mengontrol pikiran itu dan bahkan kita mampu mengkondisikan alam bawah sadar kita bertentangan dengan kesadaran akan kondisi lingkungan.

Jadi sekali lagi, tersimpan kekuatan luar biasa dalam pikiran kita.

Senin, 04 April 2011


Saat saya duduk termenung di sebuah taman yang rindang pada sore hari yang adem, tak jauh dari tempat saya berdiri ada seorang gadis cantik yang memiliki senyum yang sangat manis. Gadis itu berkulit putih dan berambut sebahu. Pada saat itu juga terlintas di pikiran saya untuk mengetahui namanya dan sekedar berkenalan dengannya. Namun berhubung saya adalah seorang pria pemalu dan tidak terlalu berdaya bila berhadapan langsung dengan seorang cewek apalagi bila cewek itu cantik, buru-buru saya alihkan perhatian saya ke lingkungan sekitar. Saat cewek itu kemudian  duduk membelakangi di sudut bangku taman yang kira-kira berjarak 20m dari tempat saya berada, sesekali karena rasa penasaran saya 'curi-curi pandang' padanya.
Akhirnya karena keinginan hati yang kuat dan gejolak dari dalam jiwa, tanpa sadar saya tertegun menatapnya dengan rasa kagum. Sekitar 5 menit berlalu, pikiran saya berfokus pada sosok gadis yang berada 20m di depan saya tersebut. Tiba-tiba cewek tersebut berbalik dan mengarahkan pandangannya kepada saya. Pandangan kami saling bertemu dan secara sontak, saya bersikap tak karuan berusaha bersikap wajar. Terlihat dia hanya tersenyum sumringah memperhatikan tingkah saya saat itu.

Dari pengalaman tersebut, saya menyimpulkan bahwa dengan memfokuskan pikiran, kita dapat menjalin 'komunikasi pikiran' dengan manusia lainnya. Hal seperti ini kerap disebut sebagai TELEPATI.
Coba Anda buktikan, pasti hasilnya sama meskipun fokus Anda nantinya tidak berwujud gadis manis yang menarik. hehehehehe...

Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

Berpikirlah untuk Selalu Berpikir

 Ketika saya sedang melamun, ternyata pikiran saya melayang menembus ruang dan waktu hingga akhirnya sampai satu tempat di angan-angan yang jauh, yaitu masa kecil saya. Terlintas di benak saya saat itu bahwa saya yang sekarang akan memikirkan saya yang masih kecil. Dan benar saja, ternyata saya mampu mewujudkan masa depan itu.
Apakah saya benar seorang peramal hingga tahu apa yang akan terjadi di masa depan??? jadi, apakah masa depan itu sudah saya rancang untuk kemudian saya lakukan????
Hmmm...., yang jelas saya sudah membuktikan bahwa tidak ada yang kebetulan. Ternyata pikiran kita itu memiliki kekuatan yang sangat besar untuk mewujudkan sesuatu menjadi nyata.

_Kekuatan terbesar Anda ada di dalam pikiran Anda_